12 May,

Working Mother

The Art of Being a Working Mother!!

In the arena of parenting, weather Mother should pursue her career or not has always been a burning topic of discussion. Mothers are often seen as culprits for not taking proper care of their child in the want of fulfilling their dreams related to their career. But now, a lot of researches and surveys have already proved that a working mother is far more capable of bringing up her child in a healthy way and the children get the art of adjusting with the situation. Researchers have proved that, if a mother is working it in no ways damages the process of bringing up the child. In fact it’s beneficial for the children in various ways.

Here are some of the positive aspects of having a working mother for the healthy growth of the child:

1. Working Mothers can be Good Role models

When there is a working lady in the family she makes her sons realise from the very childhood that not only the girls are liable to perform household chores. The girls come to realize that they need to think about their career as it is their first priority. It’s not the marriage and having kids that only matters for a girl. Everyone in the family including the children understands that household chores are family affairs and that it should be the responsibility of everyone in the family and not only the lady of the house. All this in nutshell will teach the children the importance of being cooperative with the female of the family and understanding the responsibilities.

2. Kids develop a sense of being independent

Kids understand that there mom is working day and night to fulfil our dreams and it’s our responsibility to make her feel comfortable. That develops a sense of being a helping hand to their mother. As and when they get a chance to help their mother in some way, they start earning and become independent. In addition to that, children have to take care of them on their own whenever the mother is out for her work. And that makes children develop a sense of independence.

3. Working prevents the Chances of Depression

When you mom works, she has something else to think about other than the household work. She meets people at her work place, interacts with them and has many people in her life with whom she can share. Besides that, she has a source of earning and so develops a sense of self confidence which makes her least prone to depression.

4. Facilitates healthy Children’s Emotional Health

At many renowned Universities done in many countries has proved that the children of a working mom develop more robust emotional health than the children of housewives. Children of working Mom are never deprived of the emotional support. There develops right kind of balance between parental commitments and the work. Other than that, a supportive partner and helpful day care along with the parent friendly policies at the work place helps in the development of perfect emotional balance.

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